Alocasia Williams

Elephant Ears


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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Hubert Pot Taupe
Lucy Pot White
Terracotta Pot Orange
Mia Pot Terra
Nora Face Pot White
    About this plant

    Alocasia are known for their long pointy leaves with big lobes on top. The Alocasia Williams has that magnificent leaf shape, but also has ruffled edges which makes the leaves even more interesting to look at. She has green top leaves with white veins that really stand out. The underside of her leaves are a deep maroon colour, so a lot of aspects that make the Alocasia Williams a pretty special lady. With the right care she can become huge, she might grow into that statement piece within your urban jungle. Have you fallen for this interesting Alocasia? Buy Alocasia Williams here. :)

    • Diameter12cm
    • Height±25cm
    • LovesPartly shady

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