Perla Pot

Baby Perla Pot Cream

Ø 7 cm


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  • Choose your own delivery day
  • Straight from the nursery
  • The largest range of baby plants

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plants for this pot size:

Jewel Orchid Macodes Petola
Alocasia Frydek
    About this pot
    The Perla Pot is made of ceramics and gives a warm and calm vibe to your room. The light colours make a pretty contrast with bright green leaves but also with the special coloured leaves of our RarePLNTS. Perla is available in size S and M, which makes it cute to combine multiple pots together for a playful effect in your room. The (S) pot for our BabyPLNTS is supported by 4 tiny feet, while the feet of the (M) pot are almost invisible. If you are a fan of soft colours, Perla is definitely the pot for you!
    • Diameter7cm
    • Height7cm

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    Hi, I’m Emma, your guide!