Deliciosa Monstera

Monstera Deliciosa Swiss Cheese Plant

Split leaf philodendron


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  • Straight from the nursery
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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Jimmy Pot Grey
Sanny Pot Blue
Chad Pot Taupe
Nursery Planter Transparent
    About this plant

    Caution, vulnerable to leaf damage

    The Monstera ''Borsigiana'' Deliciosa is a large, popular and lush plant often called a Swiss cheese plant, on account of her leaves which are full of large holes. The Monstera is a strong, powerful vine that grows easily, and in her native South American jungles she grows many meters tall. If long strings grow out of your Monstera Deliciosa, don’t worry- these are aerial roots. In the jungle they are used to cling to trees and branches, but in your home they are not needed so you can cut them off or lead them back to the potting soil.

    • Diameter17cm
    • Height±65cm
    • LovesPartly shady
    • Care levelEasy
    • BenefitsAir cleaner

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