Anthurium  Balaoanum

Flamingo flowers


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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Hubert Pot Taupe
Eddie Pot Green
Tess Vase Pot Rustic Brown
Nora Face Pot White
Alice Pot Ruby Red
    About this plant

    The Anthurium Balaonum is known for her massive arrow shaped leaves with a leathery texture. She has a fresh green colour to her and might steal your heart when you decide to lay your eyes on her. She isn’t too high maintenance either, which makes her the perfect addition to most PLNTScollections. Will you be opening your urban jungle for this magnificent plant? Order Anthurium Balaonum online.

    • Diameter12cm
    • Height±25cm
    • LovesPartly shady

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    Hi, I’m Emma, your guide!