
Alocasia Watsonia

Elephant Ears


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  • Choose your own delivery day
  • Straight from the nursery
  • 100% recyclable packaging materials

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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Nea Hanging Pot Grey
Nea Hanging Pot Blue
Lisa Pot Green
Lisa Pot Dusty Ocher
Lisa Pot Dusty Terra
    About this plant

    Caution, vulnerable to leaf damage

    Shiny dark thick leaves with silvery veins, that is what this stunner has in store: the Alocasia Watsonia. She is a rare Alocasia species and her leaves can grow to several meters long! This plant originally comes from Southeast Asia where it grows in the tropics.

    • Diameter14cm
    • Height±30cm
    • LovesPartly shady
    • BenefitsAir cleaner

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